HANNAE.Co.,which owns a patent to extract rare metals by recycling denitrification catalyst, set up factory at Seokmun national industrial complex in Dangjin, Chungcheongnam-do, on the 25th and began producing products in earnest.
The Dangjin plant in HANNAE.Co was built on total of 4,469m² site, including manufacturing facilities on the first floor and office buildings on the third floor of the ground, on 8,475m² of land.
HANNAE.Co. has developed an eco-friendly technology that melts metal contained waste catalysts. The anuual waste catalyst treatment amount to 3,000 tons.
This technology was selected as the 'Top 20 R&D Excellence in environmental field' last year.
Source : https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20200625134000063?input=1195m